Free Estimates

How the process works

  1. Select the type and style of flooring for your home.
  2. Based on your estimate of your room size, we can give you a rough in-store estimate on the cost of materials.
  3. Buy Low will schedule an installer to visit your home within 3 business days, verify the room size, the condition of the existing floor or sub-floor to be covered, materials needed, and any other details.
  4. Buy Low will update your quote into an exact cost. At this time, we will require a deposit and proceed in ordering your new flooring or....
  5. If you are purchasing an in-stock flooring, the installer will arrange for an installation date of not after 72 hrs, or 3 business days. If your flooring is a custom order, once the flooring has been received, the installer will contact you and set up a convenient time for installation.

Before your installation

  1. The individual who signed the purchase contract must be present during installation.
  2. Empty all cabinets, entertainment centers, bookcases, closets, etc.
  3. Move all breakables such as lamps, vases, china, mirrors, wall hangings, paintings, antiques, etc.
  4. Disconnect and remove all electronics such as televisions, stereos, computers, gaming consoles, etc.
  5. New flooring may be substantially thicker than the previous causing doors not to swing over flooring clearly. If so, you may need to cut the door down or replace it or have had made prior arrangement with Buy Low to cut-down.
  6. Appropriate sub-flooring must be in place, unless arrangement were made with Buy Low to install a new sub-floor.
  7. Under construction buildings and areas must be completely closed in from the outdoors with windows, walls, doors, thresholdings in place.
  8. Air conditioners, heating, and proper air ventilation must be operable.
  9. Electricity and water must be readily available in work area.

Services not included in the installation that will require an additional charge

Other Things To Be Aware of After Your Installation

OUR PROMISE~ The lowest prices on the brand-name flooring you love & expert installation within days!